Guide for Authors


Sohag Journal of Nursing Sciences (SJNS) which is biannually published / year (JANUARY, JULY) by Faculty of Nursing Publishing under ISSN (Print: 2974-3206 / Online: 2974-3214).

SJNS is a national periodical specialized in Nursing Science. It is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal featuring high-quality studies which provide a mechanism to share up-to-date knowledge related to improving health care and promoting the development of nursing. The journal seeks original manuscripts reporting scholarly work on the art and science of nursing. Original articles may be empirical and qualitative studies, as well as research extracted from master's and doctoral theses for graduate students in the faculty to fulfill the conditions for obtaining a degree.

SJNS collaborates with many distinguished scholars who together form our editorial board to ensure the highest standards of selection and review. All relevant papers are carefully reviewed and refereed. Once accepted, papers are published, both online and in print

Editorial Board

Aims & Scope

SJNS is a national periodical specialized in Nursing Science. It is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal featuring high-quality studies which provide a mechanism to share up-to-date knowledge related to improving health care and promoting the development of nursing. The journal seeks original manuscripts reporting scholarly work on the art and science of nursing. Original articles may be empirical and qualitative studies, as well as research extracted from master's and doctoral theses for graduate students in the faculty to fulfill the conditions for obtaining a degree.



Authors Instruction


The journal publishes original/review papers which should comprise unpublished research and data interpretation or syntheses with focus on all scientific and technological aspects relevant to nursing studies. All papers will be reviewed by at least two referees. Rejected papers will not be returned to the authors.

Manuscript Layout:

Manuscripts should be written in English and organized in the following manner)

  • Title Name(s), affiliation(s) of the author(s); the address and e-mail for each author and an asterisk to indicate the corresponding author.
  • Abstract: no more than 250 words, and should ended by keywords in the research. The text: This should be arranged in the following orders:
  • Introduction and background.
  • Significance of the study.
  • Aim of the study.
  • Research question / Research hypothesis.
  • Subjects and Method.
  • Statistical analysis.
  • Results (Tables and Figures with titles and comments)
  • Conclusions & recommendations.

The manuscript must not have been published before and no simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.   

N.B: If research paper extracted from a thesis:

Before submission, the paper should be in compliance with the previous rules and instructions and signed by at least one of the thesis supervisor/s (paper’ author/s).

Manuscript Preparation:

Articles should be type-written clearly in 1.5 spacing on A4 paper (21 X 29.7cm) with a margin of 2.5cm all round on one side of the page only. Spelling should be consistent throughout the paper and according to Oxford Dictionary. Three (3) paper copies of the research and copy on C.D; line on the Times New Roman, font size 14  and 16 bold  headings to provide a paper copy after adjusting arbitration and Review Committee for the Liberation of the journal

A paper copy and CD for report of the percentage of plagiarism.

Views version: The version Issuing two issues per year (January - July) With an Arabic version of the title and abstract.

Title Page:

The title page should contain the title of the paper (this must be brief but explicit), the forename (in full) and surname of each author, the authors’ affiliations (complete address, phone and e-mail) with their positions, and the name of the corresponding author.

Abstract Page:

An ‘abstract’ of about 250 words is required. Moreover, 5 to 10 ‘keywords’ should be provided (in small letters and bold type, separated by slashes).

Figures and Photographs:

Figures must be as simple as possible, (2D) black and white in color with a clear background. Its number, name of the author and an arrow indicating "top" should be typed on a gummed label and affixed to the back of each illustration.

All figures must be numbered as cited in the text in consecutive numerical order.


Each table should be typed, with special care, on a separate page included at the end of the text file or placed next to the relevant text in the article. Captions must be integrated into the heading of the table which will comprise horizontal lines. Tables must not be redundant with figures. They should be numbered consecutively (Table 1 for instance) and must be cited in the text.


They should be limited to those cited in the text. The list of the references at the end of the manuscript should be written in accordance with their place in the text. When quoted in the text they should be written in high small numbers. In the case of more than 2 authors, only the first author plus et al- should be quoted. Should be written as follows:

  • Article from a journal:

Author Name (s), (Year). Research Title, Journal, Vol. (--), pp: -- - --. 

  • Unpublished thesis:

Author Name (s), (Year). Thesis Title, M.Sc. (Ph.D.), ------ dept. Faculty of -----------, University of--------------, Country. 

  •  Book or published thesis:

Author Name (s), (Year). Book (Thesis) Title, Chapter, Numbers of pages, Publisher, Country. 

  • Article from Proceedings:

Author Name (s), (Year). Research Titles, in: ----------, ---- (Eds.), Proceedings of --------------------------------------, pp: -- - --. 

  • Internet reference:

Author Name (s), (Year). Research Titles, Cite (http://www.----------), date (--/--/----


The corrected proofs must be returned to the publisher within ‘two days’ after receipt (only minor corrections or typographical errors will be accepted at this stage). Otherwise, the paper will be published with in-house corrections only.


One reprint per contribution will be supplied, free of charge, to the corresponding author. ‘Additional reprints’ can be obtained at prices supplied by the publisher. An order form, sent with the proofs, must be completed and returned with the corrected proofs.


Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, or thesis), and it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to the automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher.

(Download Copyright © files: SJNS Copyright. Doc. or SJNS Copyright.Pdf).



Publication Fees:

  • For Egyptian / 1500 E.P. to 10 pages + 15 E.P. for each extra page.
  • For Non-Egyptian/ $ 200 to 10 pages once the paper has been accepted for publication + $5 for each extra page.
  • The Fees of additional reprint for Egyptian (50 E.P), and Non Egyptian ($ 10).

