Effect of Educational Program on Nursery School Teachers' Knowledge and Practices Related to Selected First Aid on Children

Document Type : Original Article


1 pediatric nursing, faculty of nursing sohag university

2 Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Sohag University

3 Assistant Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Sohag University


Background: Children spend most of their time in school, where they are susceptible to a range of minor injuries that might affect their health now and in the future. Aim: To evaluate the effect of educational program on nursery school teachers' knowledge and practices related to selected first aid on children at Sohag city. Research design: A pre/post quasi-experimental research design was used in this study. Sample:A convenient  sample of 43 nursery school teachers, from governmental nursery schools. Setting: The selected nursery schools represented all geographic areas of Sohag city. Tools: Data collection was gathered by following :(Tool I):It consisted of two parts: Part (1): Socio- demographic data on teachers such as age, marital status, qualifications, years of experience and previous training courses. Part (2): Nursery school teachers' knowledge about first aid. (Tool II) An observational checklist: It was designed by the researcher to evaluate first-aid measures around wounds, suffocation, convulsions, choking, poisoning, fractures, burning, epistaxis and fainting...etc. Results: Show that total practices was 19.046±5.4943 at pre-program and increased to be 50.7442±5.9884 post-program, total knowledge was 16.3% at pre-program and increased to be 81.4% post-program. Conclusion: The current study concluded that there was an increase in the mean scores of teachers' knowledge and practices after implementation of the program about first aid. Recommendation The : study suggested that the first aid research be widely implemented for the teachers of nursery schools throughout Sohag City.
