Workers' Safety Practices regarding Occupational Health Hazards at Butane Gas Tube Packing Plant Factory

Document Type : Original Article


1 Community Health Nursing,Faculty of Nursing,Sohag University

2 Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing , Assuit University

3 Community Health Nursing department, faculty of Nursing Sohag University


Background: The promotion of safety among liquid petroleum gas workers is one of the key aims of world liquid petroleum gas association, safety measures are important action to protect, maintain and promote the health,. Aim: to assess the safety practice of workers about occupational hazards in butane gas tubes packing plant factory in Akhmim city at Sohag governorate. design: Descriptive design was carried out. Setting: In the factory of butane gas tubes packing plant factory in Akhmim city at Sohag Governorate. Sample: All number of the workers was chosen to carry out the study. Tools: Two tools were used for data collection. Tool (I) divided into two parts; part (1): personal data of the subject, part (2): medical history. Tool (II) divided into two parts, part (1) An observational checklist that included preventive measure & safety practice, part (2) environmental checklist. Results: The study results showed that 60.4 % of the studied workers had a medical history.Also, revealed that 62.2% of the studied workers incompetent with the safety practice and preventive measures, 64.4% of them were in a safe environmental workplace.   Conclusion: The workers had unsatisfactory report about safety practice and preventive measures, the studied workers were in a safe environmental workplace  So, most of them were exposed to the occupational health hazards. Recommendation: Training and educational program about the preventive measure in the factory to eliminate the hazards in workplace 
