Impact of the Oketani Technique Versus Lanoline on Breast Pain and Milk Production Among Puerperal Women

Document Type : Original Article


1 Obstetrics, Gynecological and Reproductive Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Sohag University, Egypt.

2 Obstetric and Gynecological, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University

3 Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Moneufia University, Egypt.


Background: Breast feeding difficulties, due to nipple fissures is a common problem in early post-partum period. Purpose: The current study was conducted to assess the impact of oketani technique  versus lanoline on  breast  pain and milk production among puerperal women. Methods: A quasi-experimental design was employed . Study was done at Menoufia University Hospital in Shebin El-kom.  A purposive sample containing 120 of women with painful nipples in early post-partum period. Instruments:A structured questionnaire sheet, factors affecting breast feeding  assessment sheet were used to collect data.Results: Oketani breast message was similar in both IG and CG [7.5].While, breast  pain was significantly alleviated to a mean value of  1.3±0.47 post-test2 in IG compared to (5.3±0.65) in CG.Also, IG resulted in significant higher amount of breast milk produced during post-test2 evaluation (314.9±13.5) compared to (174.1±6.8 in CG). Application of the technique in IG, resulted in significant higher sucking speed among women in post-test 2 evaluation (47.3±3.3) in IG compared to (28.2±5.2) in CG.Conclusion: These results suggest that Oketani breast massage is useful for reducing breast pain, boosting breast milk production, and quickening a newborn's sucking reflex.Recomendations:further studies related to oketani breast massage should be conducted in other settings and on a larger number of puerperal women to assure the generalizability of the research results.
