Barriers of Electronic Exams among Critical Care Nursing Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Critical Care and Emergency Nursing Faculty of Nursing, Sohag University,Egypt

2 critical care nursing faculty of nursing assiut university

3 critical care nursing faculty of nursing sohag university


Background: Electronic exams presented through computer by teachers on several software with a high degree of accuracy. It saves a lot of effort and time and gives more stable and objective results to determining the educational levels. Study aim to: assess barriers of electronic exams among critical care nursing students. Design: Descriptive research design. Setting: This study was carried out in Critical care &Emergency Nursing department Faculty of Nursing –Assiut University. Sample: - Convenience sample of all critical nursing students (660). Tools: - Tool I: Critical Care Nursing Student Barriers of Electronic Exam Questionnaire  Results: results of current study revealed that more three quarters (70.9%) of studied student were female, had less 25 years. Illustrated that, more than half of the studied students (56.7%) had moderate level regarding barriers of electronic exam. Conclusion: Electronic examinations are a modern and effective means of evaluating students electronically, as it enables a faculty member to prepare exams objectively and is relatively easy to apply to students and make corrections electronically. Recommendations: -Develop training program regarding electronic exams among university students .
